



Serpentine stone’s name comes from the Greek word ‘serpent’s, meaning snake, which is indicative of the way many pieces of this stone have a similar appearance as the snakeskin. Just like the great snake, the Serpentine stone reminds us of the importance of shedding our old skin and habits so we can embody a new sense of self. The spiritual meaning of Serpentine is connected to the Kundalini energy. Serpentine is a stone that aids in the activation of the Kundalini energy. Because it is the life energy that flows through our bodies, the Kundalini energy is sometimes compared to a snake. Serpentine is a gemstone that possesses unusual healing powers and properties. This stone is excellent for forming different inner serenity, presenting your strength impassable. It will restore your mentality and make it improbable for this negative energy to penetrate rather than absorb it from the surroundings. Let’s look a little closer and see how Serpentine can help you out. 

Healing Properties

♥ Grounding ♥ Remembrance of past lives ♥ Kundalini ♥ Soothing ♥ Open heart ♥ Inner peace ♥ Positivity ♥ Spirituality ♥ Luck ♥ Relationship

Grounding: They enhance your spiritual and psychic connection to the earth, and their deep-green hue puts you in touch with mother nature.

Remembrance of past lives:  Work with Serpentine to tap into this ancient knowledge, regain memories of past lives, and learn from their lessons.

Kundalini: The concept of a kundalini awakening revolves around the idea of freeing the energies within, helping this snake-like path unfold so that your energies can flow freely upwards. 

Soothing: Serpentine is soothing to the emotional body, allowing you to release your fear of change and hardship so that you are able to look ahead to the future with expectation and excitement.

Open Heart: It also helps you open your heart and relax into relationships again.

Inner Peace: Serpentine stones are excellent for developing a distinct inner peace that makes you untouchable by negative energy.

Positivity: Serpentine stone is one of the unique few that is equally good at protecting against negative energy while also attracting positive energy.

Spirituality: This gem will benefit you with meditation and a spiritual journey, clear the Chakras, and stimulate the Crown Chakra.

Luck: It was also used in the belief that it could bring good luck.

Relationship: It's also the perfect stone to help heal your heart from relationship challenges, be it the loss of a friendship, lover or any person with whom you once shared a relationship.

Metaphysical Properties

Protects against evil enchantment 

It purifies the blood and the entire body

Help to relax cramps

Serpentine grounds your spirit

Serpentine promotes compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others. 

Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom and aids in meditation.

Promoting spiritual understanding and psychic abilities.

Helpful in awakening the Kundalini energy.

Protecting against negative energy

Brings comfort and joy

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Gemini, Scorpio

   Serpentine is not traditionally considered a birthstone. However, some people may choose to wear Serpentine as a birthstone because of its connection to the astrological sign of Gemini and Scorpio.

What Chakra is Serpentine?

Serpentine is connected to the Heart Chakra, and it is said to be helpful in opening and balancing this chakra. The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and healing. When this chakra is balanced, we feel a sense of peace, calm, and self-love. Because of its chakra-opening properties, Serpentine stone is the perfect gemstone to meditate with.  Serpentine is said to clear clouded areas of the chakras and stimulate the crown chakra, promoting spiritual understanding and psychic abilities.

How to Cleanse & Charge Serpentine?

Cleanse with water/salt/smudge and Charge with sunlight/moonlight/other crystals

There are a few different ways that you can cleanse Serpentine. You can cleanse it with water, as this stone is not water-soluble. You can also cleanse it with salt, as this will help to remove any negative energy from the stone. Lastly, you can cleanse Serpentine by smudging it with sage smoke. You can charge Serpentine by placing it in direct sunlight or moonlight overnight. You can also charge Serpentine by placing it on a piece of Selenite or another crystal that is known for its ability to amplify the energy of other stones.

How to spot Fake Serpentine?

There are a few things that you can look for when trying to determine if a Serpentine is real or fake. Serpentine is a very light stone, so if the stone you are holding is very heavy, it is likely that it is not real. The most obvious physical properties of serpentine are its green color, patterned appearance, and slippery feel. These remind the observer of a snake and that is where the name "serpentine" was derived.

Final Thoughts

Sharing the same colors and charms of a snake shedding its skin, the Serpentine Stone brings the energy of transformation with it.  The Serpentine Stone has big spiritual energy. It is a gem of vision, realization, purpose, and power.  This Serpentine brings comfort, joy, and even the power of positive change. You can hold it warm in your hands when you need to feel the comforting weight of oneness.  Serpentine can have wonderful effects on your career, your relationships, and your ability to hold strong in the face of negative energy from others. By using Serpentine stone, you can put up a barrier between yourself and negative energy without lessening the amount of positive energy flowing your way – in other words, it’s the perfect stone for improving your life in one easy step! Serpentine is a very efficient stone to add to your collection!