
Rudraksha Meaning, Zodiac Sign, Healing Properties and Powers



The world has many followers of the Rudraksha bead. And why not, after all, this highly spiritual bead is a treasure trove of many benefits. A rudraksha is the seed of the   Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree and plays an important role in a spiritual seeker's life. This seed is of great significance among the spiritual seekers because of its association with Lord Shiva. It is revered as a manifestation of the tears that the Lord once shed. Rudraksha, the aksha of Rudra brings us raksha, protection, and helps us face hurdles on our spiritual journey. In the yogic tradition, Rudraksha are considered as the "Tears of Shiva" and not just an accessory or a piece of jewellery. It is seen as an instrument for inner transformation. Rudraksha commonly come from 1 to 21 Mukhis, but Rudraksha of 1 to 14 Mukhis are commonly found. Rudraksha beads from 15,Mukhis to 21 Mukhis are more rare and mukhis above that are found in very few numbers every year. Of all these, 4,5 and 6 MukhiRudraksha beads are found easily and abundantly. This guide tells you all you need to know about this sacred seed.

Types of Rudraksha

The number of faces a bead can have varies from a single face up to 21 faces.

One Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Lord Shiva
Mantra: || Om Hreem Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Sun

One mukhi rudraksha is very rare and shastras say this is a highly auspicious one. Generally it comes in the shape of cashew nut or half moon. Round Shape one mukhi with one seed doesn’t exist in nature but we cant predicts if it will be available in future. This is the supreme Rudraksha for anyone who wants to enjoy all the worldly blessings as well as get devoted to the supreme power. This is the supreme Rudraksha for anyone who wants to enjoy all the worldly blessings as well as get devoted to the supreme power. One Mukhi Rudraksha has all the power to bring you the moksha, wealth, health, and success.

Two Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Ardhanarishwara
Mantra: || Om Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Moon

Two mukhi rudraksha represents Ardhanarishwara, the combined form of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Those who get disturbed by the negativity of moon can find help through this bead as it helps remove the negative vibes generating from planet moon. This Rudraksha helps in harmonizing relations between two individuals (Husband-Wife, Father-Son and Friends etc.) It's Symbolize togetherness and unity gives harmony in all types of relationships. It transforms ones personality and outlook in a positive way, gives emotional stability. It gives a blessing of happy family, improved relationships with all people around as well as getting a suitable match.

Three Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Agni
Mantra: || Om Kleem Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Mars

The three mukhi rudraksha symbolizes the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This Rudraksha destroys all the sins done by a person in his past life and makes him pure on a spiritual level like Agni does. It promotes success, solves all problems of life and cures all the diseases related to women. Three Mukhi rudraksha has soothing effect on ones mind and body. It releases stress due to past sins and helps one to attain success. It liberates the person from obstacles which he is facing because of his past karmas. This is the best option for people who want to start a new life that is based on the recent karmas.  It helps one attain Moksha. 

Four Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Brahaspati
Mantra: || Om Hreem Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Mercury, Jupitar

The Four Mukhi Rudraksha is said to depict the Lord Brahma and Hindus Goddesses Saraswati. As both of them are the epitome of knowledge, the combination of them helps one to gain knowledge and become an erudite person in life. This rudraksha symbolizes the four Vedas. A wearer of this Rudraksha becomes more knowledgeable since his powers of concentration and learning are increase.  If you crave to get the power of speaking in an impressive and sweet manner, this bead will work best for you! Sharpen ones memory, vocal power and intelligence. Highly useful for students, teachers and those involved in mind related professions.

Five Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Rudra Kalagni
Mantra: || Om Hreem Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Jupitar

This rudraksha symbolizes the five elements namely the sky, air, fire, water and earth. This is the most widely available variety among the rudrakshas. It destroys the "Bad Karmas" of the present life, thereby making the wearer pure and his mind become peaceful and calm. This Rudraksha removes sins of various kinds which have been committed by a person in the present life. It enables them to live their life with happiness and prosperity. It helps one to attain peace of mind by emitting the negative vibes and sins from their life.

Six Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Kartikeya
Mantra: || Om Hreem Hoom Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Mars, Venus

This rudraksha keeps the anger, jealousy and mental excitement of the wearers under control. This Rudraksha increases the will power and the power of expression and hence, Leaders & Actors who have to perform or give speeches can derive benefits by wearing this bead. It brings stability in all aspects of one's life. It also helps find good luck in fields related to estates and automobiles. Hence, the wearer of this Rudraksha is bestowed with Health, Wealth & Happiness as well as all the Luxuries, Pleasures and Comforts of Life.

Seven Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Laxmi
Mantra: || Om Hoom Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Venus

Seven mukhi rudraksha is a highly auspicious one. The seven mukhi rudraksha symbolizes the seven sacred rivers. Helps gain good health and wealth. Hence, the wearer of this Rudraksha gets wealth and prosperity by the blessings of Goddess Maha Lakshmi & he is also relieved of malefic or adverse affects of planet Saturn. This Rudraksha is also very good for getting Success in Business and Increased profits if it is used in combination with 8 mukhi Rudraksha. Since this Rudraksha is blessed by many powerful Gods and Goddesses, the wearer is able to get good Name & Fame, Progress and Wealth as well as Good Luck by the blessiings of Goddess Maha Lakshmi.

Eight Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Ganesh
Mantra: || Om Hoom Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Ketu

The ruling deity of 8 mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Ganesha who is also known as "Vighna Harta". Eight mukhi rudraksha is a highly lucky one for all people. This rudraksha symbolizes the eight directions and also eight types of siddhis or spiritual powers. Hence, the wearer of this Rudraksha is able to get Success in every venture by the blessings of Lord Ganesha. This Rudraksha also increases the stability of mind so that the wearer is able to remain more peaceful and calm. It improves the ability to face challenges in life. It bestows the wearer with prosperity, name, fame, leadership qualities, artistic abilities and control over senses and control over senses and mind.

Nine Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Durga
Mantra: || Om Hreem Hoom Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Rahu

Nine Mukhi rudraksha is among the rare beads. The nine mukhi rudraksha symbolizes Nav Durga namely Shilaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri. This Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Kaal Bhairav and Yamraj who is the Lord of Death and hence, its wearer is no more afraid of Death. This Rudraksha is said to make a person fearless and he is blessed with energy, power, dynamism and fearlessness which leads to a better self-confidence. Enhance your energy levels with this bead. It will also protect you from various fears.  It is the wonderful bead for those who want to enjoy and experience the pleasures of this world as well as the after-life ones known as the Bhoga & Moksha respectively.

Ten Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Krishna
Mantra: || Om Hreem Namaha Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: All

It symbolizes all the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu who is the preserver of entire universe. It also represents Gods of all the ten directions whose blessings are also showered on its wearer. All sins done by the ten human organs are destroyed by wearing this rudraksha. This Rudraksha also protects a person from any kind of Black magic, Evil Eye etc. since it controls and eliminates all kinds of Evil beings. It makes life joyful by releasing fears and gives power of creation. It increases connection with Lord Krishna and blesses with Joy, happiness and fruitful relationships.

Eleven Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: 11 Rudras
Mantra: || Om Hreem Hoom Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: All

Eleven mukhi rudraksha is a special one for the spiritual aspirants. The ruling deity of the rudraksha is Hanuman who is the Lord of Courage, Bravery and Adventure. It symbolizes the eleven manifestations of Lord Shiva. This is the perfect choice for conquering your enemies and also to enjoy a sound physical and mental health. This Rudraksha is also blessed by Lord Indra and therefore the wearer is bestowed with all the Fortunes and Luxuries of life. Empowering you with better self-control and spiritual awareness, the 11-Mukhi rudraksha is believed to give you the power of one thousand Ashwamedha Yagyas. Furthermore, regularly wearing such type of Rudraksha enables one to live a successful and prosperous life.

Twelve Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Sun
Mantra: || Om Kraum Sraum Raum Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Sun

The twelve mukhi rudraksha has some amazing characteristics. This rudraksha represents the twelve Adityas or the manifestations of sun. This Rudraksha is said to possess the Brilliance, Luster, Radiance and Strength of Lord Sun and hence, the wearer is bestowed with all these virtues. Shine like the sun and enhance your leadership skills with the powerful 12-mukhi rudraksha. Keep tension away and inspire your inner self with this bead. 12 mukhi rudraksha gives radiance, luster, brilliance, youthfulness and vitality. It makes one fearless and powerful and ready to take action using his knowledge. It helps businessmen, households, politicians, managers, leaders and public administrators achieve greater success name, fame, and abundance in their respective fields.

Thirteen Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Kamadeva
Mantra: || Om Hreem Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Venus

The highly sacred thirteen mukhi rudraksha fulfills all desires and makes the wearer intelligent, fearless and highly confident. Those looking for a happy family can benefit a lot from this bead. This bead helps you accomplish the goals and wishes of this world. A person desirous of getting Knowledge, Good Oratory and Debating power should use this Rudraksha. Hence, a person is able to achieve great heights of Success in his life by wearing this Rudraksha. A person is able to enjoy all the Luxuries of life and he is able to lead a happy and satisfactory life.

Fourteen Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

Symbolizes: Hanuman
Mantra: || Om Namaha ||
Ruling Planet: Mars

The wearer of this rudraksha becomes sharp in thinking and grows powerful to achieve all the cherished dreams of life. Shastras say this sacred bead was produced directly from the third eye of Lord Shiva and hence it is very powerful. The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes a favourite of Lord Shiva and he is blessed by both the Shiva and the Shakti. This Rudraksha activates the Ajna Chakra located between the two Eyebrows thereby giving the wearer an ability to visualize the future so that he is able to make correct decisions. Also protects from enemies and all negative energies. Help to achieves all the dreams of life. Bring harmony in homes.

Benefits of wearing Rudraksha

1. The Rudraksha bead acts like a protective guard this will safeguards its wearer from negative energies.

2. If you are person who is always on the go, this bead is ideal for you. Because its provide you with stability and good support by creating a protective covering all around you.

3. The Rudraksha bead also aids in identifying if the food or water that we are about to consume is pure or not. Pour water over a Rudraksha, if it moves in the clockwise direction, the water is pure and recommended for consumption. But, if it moves in the anti-clockwise direction then it isn't safe for consumption. Same is the case with food items. Hold the Rudraksha bead above positively-enriched food and the bead will move in the clockwise direction but if you hold it hold over negatively-enriched food, it will move in the anti-clockwise direction.

4. A one mukhi Rudraksha is extremely powerful and generates feelings of isolation in his wearer. So wear it under the expert guidance of a specialist.

5. A five mukhi Rudraksha is safe and worn by most natives across age groups, gender etc. Known to bring calmness, this Rudraksha lowers blood pressure and calms down the nervous system.

6. It also makes his wearer agile and extremely alert and active.

7. For children, the Rudraksha bead can increase their focus and concentration.

8. Purity of life, in general, happens by wearing the Rudraksha bead.

9. The Rudraksha bead is extensively used while doing meditation or reciting prayers.

How to identify Real Rudraksha Bead

To meet the ever increasing demand for different faceted beads, traders manufacture rarely found beads such as the one faced Rudraksha or beads higher than 12 mukhi Rudraksha. There are few methods of testing a genuine Rudraksha.

Cut Test: A full proof method is to cut the Rudraksha bead horizontally. One will find the same number of compartments as that of the number of lines. However the drawback is that by this method, the bead gets destroyed.

Copper Coin Test: It is generally held that if Rudraksha beads are placed between two copper coins it should rotate slightly. This is due to the physical and magnetic properties of the Rudraksha beads. This test requires high level of expertise.

Eye test: A fake or the artificial Rudraksha may look like a real one but in these Rudraksha the facets (mukhis) cannot be made as real as those present on the real Rudraksha. In a Rudraksha the facets or the mukhis means deep lining from the upper part to the lower part of Rudraksha. Looking at these deep linings (facets) with the help of a magnifying glass, one can easily recognize a real Rudraksha.