



Prehnite is a translucent to transparent stone with a pale green to yellow-green color. Prehnite is a popular stone in the metaphysical community due to its calming and soothing properties, as well as its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual growth. It is also a popular stone for use in jewelry, and is often cut into cabochons or faceted stones for use in rings, necklaces, and earrings.

Healing Properties

♥ Truth ♥ Calmness ♥ Sincerity ♥ Sensitivity ♥ Spiritual growth 

♥ Relieve stress 

Truth : It is believed that working with prehnite can help to promote a sense of authenticity and encourage the user to speak and act from a place of truth and integrity.

Calmness :  This gentle stone is often used to soothe anxious feelings, reduce stress, and create a sense of calm in the mind and body.

Sincerity :   It may also involve using prehnite in rituals or other practices that focus on promoting authenticity and positive communication.

Sensitivity: It can also help to develop psychic abilities and intuition, which can be helpful for those interested in spiritual growth and development.

Spiritual growth :  It may also involve using prehnite in rituals or other practices that focus on spiritual development, such as using prehnite in combination with other stones or crystals that are believed to promote spiritual growth and development.

Relieve stress :  It is thought to have a gentle, soothing energy that can help to ease feelings of anxiety and tension.

Metaphysical Properties

Calming and soothing energy that can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

Promoting spiritual growth and development.

Supporting healing and balancing the physical body.

 Promoting emotional healing.

Enhancing communication and helping to develop deeper connections with others.

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Libra & Virgo

Some practitioners may use it for individuals born under the zodiac signs of Libra or Virgo, as prehnite is believed to have properties that can support emotional balance, communication, and physical health. Ultimately, the use of prehnite as a birthstone may vary depending on the practitioner or individual's beliefs and preferences.

What Chakra is Prehnite?

Prehnite is associated with the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and emotional well-being. Working with prehnite can help to balance and activate the heart chakra, promoting a sense of emotional balance, empathy, and connection with others. Prehnite can also be used to support the third eye chakra, which is located in the center of the forehead and is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual growth.

How to Cleanse & Charge Prehnite?

Cleanse with Water and Charge for a sort time in sunlight. 

Prehnite is safe to cleanse in water, but it is important to avoid using hot water as it can damage the stone. Simply hold the prehnite under cool running water or soak it in a bowl of cool water for several hours. Prehnite can also be charged in sunlight, but be cautious not to expose it to direct sunlight for too long, as this can cause the stone to fade or discolor. Instead, place the prehnite in a location where it can receive indirect sunlight for several hours.

  How to spot Fake Prehnite?

Prehnite is usually a pale green to yellow-green color. Some fake prehnite may have bubbles or air pockets within the stone. Genuine prehnite will not have these bubbles. Genuine prehnite is typically translucent to transparent with a slight waxy appearance.

Final Thoughts

Prehnite is a beautiful gemstone with a range of beneficial properties for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is a stone that promotes calmness, sincerity, and sensitivity, and can help to relieve stress and anxiety. Prehnite is also known for its ability to enhance spiritual growth and intuition, making it a valuable tool for those interested in spiritual practices. It is important to take care of your prehnite by cleansing and charging it regularly