
Mariyam Jasper

Mariyam Jasper


It is a type of opaque Jasper that is found in the deserts of Madagascar. It is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, and is sometimes referred to as Mary Stone. This beautiful stone is known for its unique patterns and colors, which include shades of brown, tan, cream, and sometimes gray or black. It is a popular stone for jewelry making and is also used in healing and spiritual practices.

Healing Properties

♥ Healing ♥ Protection ♥  Communication ♥ Meditation ♥ Tranquility

♥ Stability

Healing :   It is believed to have a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties.

Stability:   It is said to provide a grounding and calming effect that helps to stabilize and balance the energies of the body.

Protection :   It is said to create a protective barrier around the body that helps to prevent psychic attacks, negative energy, and harmful influences from affecting the individual.

Communication :  Its grounding and calming properties may be beneficial in promoting clear and effective communication. 

Meditation :   Its grounding and stabilizing energy flowing into your body, filling you with a sense of calm and balance.

Tranquility :  The tranquil energy of Mariyam Jasper can be a powerful tool for promoting inner peace, balance, and emotional stability.

Metaphysical Properties

Mariyam Jasper is known for its grounding energy.

 It can help you find your center and stay grounded.

It can also help you feel more secure and protected in your daily life.

It can help you express yourself more clearly and effectively.

It is believed to have healing properties, especially for the physical body.

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

It is a grounding and stabilizing stone, it may be particularly beneficial for individuals born under the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These signs are said to have a strong connection to the physical world and may benefit from the grounding and stabilizing energy of Mariyam Jasper.

What Chakra is Mariyam Jasper?

Mariyam Jasper is associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra is associated with our sense of stability, grounding, and connection to the earth. By working with Mariyam Jasper, you may be able to enhance the energy of your root chakra, promoting a greater sense of stability, security, and connection to the physical world.

How to Cleanse & Charge Mariyam Jasper?

Cleanse with Smudging and Charge. 

Use sage, palo santo, or other smudging herbs to cleanse the stone. Light the herb bundle and pass the stone through the smoke several times, visualizing the negative energy being cleared away.

  How to spot Fake Mariyam Jasper?

Authentic Mariyam Jasper typically has a blue-green hue, sometimes with reddish or yellowish-brown streaks or patterns. Mariyam Jasper is typically smooth and polished, with a glossy or glassy finish. Mariyam Jasper should feel heavy for its size, as it is a dense and solid stone.

Final Thoughts

Mariyam Jasper is a beautiful and powerful stone that is known for its calming and stabilizing properties. It is believed to offer a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, including protection, communication, meditation, and tranquility. Its unique blue-green color and patterns make it a popular choice for jewelry and decorative objects. Mariyam Jasper is a wonderful addition to any crystal collection and can bring balance and healing to your life.