
Mahogany Obsidian



Obsidian is not really a gemstone or a crystal. Mahogany Obsidian is a type of Obsidian with Hematite or Magnetite inclusions within, giving it its red, brownish color. Obsidian is a type of naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. They are also known as Mountain Obsidian. The meaning of the name Obsidian is extremely old and there are a number of possible meanings for this name. The rich color scheme that ripples through Mahogany Obsidian is known for its fiercely protective powers. For anyone having a vulnerable moment, Mahogany Obsidian makes sure that all attacks are warded off. Many use it in times of need, to remove energy blocks and give new life to purposes and goals. We've put together the essential guide to obsidian, so keep reading to learn how these stones can change your life. 

Healing Properties

♥ Purification ♥ Grounding ♥ Transformation ♥ Abundance ♥ Willpower ♥ Manifestation ♥ Practicality ♥ Psychic ability ♥ Relationship ♥ Strength ♥ Creativity

Purification: This will allow a cleansing and purification to take place so that you can release your negative patterns and energetic ‘implants’, as well as negative energies that are disrupting the flow of your creative energies.

Grounding: They also have a strong grounding energy, helping to open and cleanse your grounding channel.

Transformation: If you set the intention to face your shadows and prepare yourself for overcoming your most traumatic fears, it can be the stone that brings you the most transformational experience to your life.

Abundance: Mahogany-Obsidian will help you unlock opportunities that will improve the state of your finances. Mahogany-Obsidian will also make you focus on the abundance in your life and help you let go of feelings of lack or dissatisfaction.

Willpower: It will give you the personal willpower to conquer your fears and overcome your challenges.

Manifestation: Obsidian has the capability of revealing many of your secrets and it can answer your biggest questions about life and love. It can manifest to you the meaning of the deepest mysteries of your life, the people you love, and the world in general.

Practicality: You will be more practical in your approach. You will not let your emotions take over, but you will do the right thing.

Psychic ability: With Obsidian sending its healing energy straight where it is needed, you can stand safe and strong and without the risk of any kind of psychic attack.

Relationship: Mahogany-Obsidian has a soft and gentle energy that will ground and protect you in your relationship.

Strength: Mahogany-Obsidian will give you the strength to stand on your own convictions.

Creativity: This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth.

Metaphysical Properties  

To remove unwanted energy

Has mirror like qualities to see into other realms

Clears negative energy

Keeps circulation flowing

Encourages deep tissue healing

A truth seeker stone

Higher knowledge and cosmic consciousness.

Stimulates growth

Activate the protection properties of the stone

Attract more energies of abundance and prosperity

Transmute its strength and powers to you

Connect you to the root chakra and the sacral chakras

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Libra, Sagittarius

If you’re a Libra or a Sagittarius, then you’re in luck. Mahogany Obsidian, a powerful and grounding stone, has a meaning that strongly connects to these particular zodiac signs. Other signs can benefit from the healing properties of this stone as well, but a Sagittarius or Libra is thought to receive additional support. Interestingly enough, there’s a debate as to whether the sign of Scorpio should be added to the list as well.

What Chakra is Mahogany Obsidian?

In the case of Mahogany Obsidian, it is most closely associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. For the root chakra, this stone may help you to receive the grounding you need to be able to find stability, courage and initiative. Working with the sacral chakra, this stone is thought to release any blockages that are keeping you from having the sensual and loving life you want. Meditating with Mahogany Obsidian, while focusing on your solar plexus chakra, is said to bring about a greater sense of willpower, confidence and inner-strength.

How to Cleanse & Charge Mahogany Obsidian?

Cleanse with water or smudge and Charge with moonlight or a singing bowl

As a protective and grounding gemstone, Obsidian needs to be cleansed, recharged, and activated regularly. Clearing your Obsidian gemstone is as easy as running it underwater. There are several different ways to cleanse crystals. You may want to cleanse it with smoke by burning an herb like palo santo, cedar, or sage. You can also wash it in flowing water. Also you can use the rainwater to clean it, the more natural the more helpful for the stone to regain its energy produced when wearing it.  For charging, many stones and crystals love moonlight. You can charge and cleanse your Mahogany Obsidian stone in the lunar energy by setting it outside when the moon is at its largest and brightest. Although, using this sound method to cleanse and restore your Obsidian is a great way to bridge with the Obsidian’s vibrations, balance it and harmonize it with positive energy.

How to spot Fake Mahogany Obsidian?

It can be tricky to determine whether your Mahogany obsidian stone is real, but the best way to go about it is to examine the surface of the stone. True Obsidian will have a shiny glassy appearance and will feel smooth to the touch. It’s a natural glass so will have similar properties to glass although it will feel slightly harder and may have sharper edges. Fake obsidian will be lighter than the real stone. Real obsidian has a hardness of about 5.5, which means that it’s easy to chip, break, or scratch.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a supportive and protective stone, there’s nothing more supportive and protective than Mahogany-Obsidian! As this stone contains Hematite, and so doubly resonates with Earth, grounding, protecting, and realigning the Sacral and Root Chakras. It is a perfect shield to protect us from emotional, psychological, or psychic attacks. This stone will be there for you during your times of need. It will give you the willpower to do what must be done, and it will dissolve any thoughts or feelings that will not allow you to do so!  Obsidian is also considered to be useful for those suffering from depression or addiction. Mahogany obsidian, in particular, is said to increase sexuality and sensuality, most notably the sense of touch.  It's sometimes called "the stone of truth" because it encourages the surfacing of secrets and hidden emotions. With so many varieties, benefits, and uses, it's safe to say any crystal enthusiast would want to include a piece or two of obsidian in their collection. Whether you want to gain deep insights from your dreams, ground your energy, or do deep inner healing, obsidian might just be your next go-to stone.