



The howlite stone is not a gemstone that many people know by name and it’s perhaps best known as an imitation stone. This stone is unique from other gems as it can be dyed plenty of different colours to make it look like other semi-precious stones. White howlite stones are also known as magnesite. These stones are most commonly found to have a colour scheme that consists of chalky white tones with black veins running through them. Howlite is also known by the names White Buffalo, Sacred Buffalo, Lapis Howlite, White Turquoise, Silico Boro Calcite, and Kaolinite. Emotionally, howlite is a stone of patience and perspective. This beautiful white stone represents the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness. As with all white sacred gemstones, Howlite can bring peace and clarity of mind – its black lines, however, signify that the mind is still at work, focused, not shut off. Howlite is a crystal of compassion, as well. If you want to know more about the healing benefits of Howlite keep on reading.

Healing Properties

♥ Strength ♥ Inspiration ♥ Creativity ♥ Relieve stress ♥ Fearless ♥ Support relationship ♥ Focus ♥ Peaceful sleep ♥ Imagination ♥ Spirituality ♥

Strength: The energies of Howlite will strengthen your positive character traits. Your strengths will be your driving force, and your weaknesses will be your inspiration to become better!

Inspiration: The energies of Howlite will also inspire you to generate new and wonderful ideas. It will keep you feeling inspired until you make progress.

Creativity: Howlite can heighten your creativity and boost your desire for self-expression.

Relieve Stress: This calming stone is help reduce our levels of stress and anger through absorbing negative energies.

Fearless: Howlite can help you become more fearless when it comes to your choices and decisions. 

Support Relationship: Howlite will give you a peaceful mindset and strengthen your commitment to your partner and your relationship.

Focus: It’s the best stone for people who have a hard time focusing or calming their minds. It will relieve you of any stress or anxiety and help you focus on the more important things.

Peaceful Sleep: Howlite can aid in the treatment of insomnia. If you would like to sleep peacefully and enjoy vivid dreams, keep Howlite underneath your bed.

Imagination: It's a fantastic gemstone to have if you're looking for encouragement or imagination.

Spirituality: This can help you deepen your spiritual connection and understanding of the universe by being able to better collect and retain information about the spiritual realm. 

Metaphysical Properties

Cleanser of negative energy

Mop up bad vibes

Stone of awareness

Desire to learn

Improves patience

Alleviates insomnia

Boosts ambition

Promote serenity of mind 

Excellent for sleep

Strengthens the memory

Regaining emotional balance

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Gemini, Virgo

Howlite crystal meaning on birthstone is associated with Geminis. With its pale coloring, its flowing energy, and its ability to temper all kinds of emotions it should come as no surprise that howlite loves to hang with Gemini. The Gemini zodiac sign and howlite are two peas in a pod – both beautifully balancing each other out. Geminis are known for being outspoken and for their lack of focus. Howlite resonates with Geminis by teaching patience and directing pent up energy towards productive causes. For Virgo, constantly analyzing and trying to maintain order can be exhausting. Howlite’s ability to calm the mind can bring much needed relief to meticulous and over skeptical Virgo thoughts. 

What Chakra is Howlite?

It has vibrations that directly resonate with the root and crown chakras. This in itself is quite a unique combination, as the stone can open up portals on opposite points of the body. With this white stone, our root chakras become fully connected to the earth and all of the energy that it provides, while at the same time, we are able to stay in direct contact with our higher selves. It is very rare for all these connections to happen all at once. Howlite is here to connect with the crown chakra and to remind us not to trawl through the swamp when we could be leaping towards serenity and knowledge. It’s a stone that is thirsty for knowledge across all avenues and in particular when it comes to spiritual knowledge. Howlite helps balance and restore your Crown Chakra, keeping it open and free from negative energy or emotions that no longer serve you. Because the Crown Chakra is closely related to thought and emotion. Howlite also connects to the third eye chakra, the place of our infinite inner wisdom and deep heartfelt intuition.

How to Cleanse & Charge Howlite?

Cleanse with water or smudge and Charge by moonlight 

These stones can very easily be cleaned simply by running them under flowing water. Howlite also loves to be charged by moonlight so leaving it in a beam of milky white on a cold clear night can instantly up its energy levels and make it zing. You can use incense or white sage smoke for this. Stored energies will be eliminated once the right kind of healing and cleansing smoke envelops your Howlite!

How to spot Fake Howlite?

One of the easiest ways to tell if your howlite crystal is fake is by looking at the lines on the stone. On a genuine howlite stone, the lines are not painted or drawn on, but will be sunken into the stone. If the lines appear on top of the stone rather than in it, it’s a fake. Turquoise is naturally a soft stone, but howlite is even softer.

Final Thoughts

Howlite is a beautifully beneficial stone for those who are looking to bring more calmness and less calamity into their world. Howlite is here to be that cleansing breath, that second of silence before the storm, the place where you gather yourself. So, if you’re looking for a gemstone that will give you comfort or calm you down when your world becomes too loud or chaotic, Howlite is your best bet. This stone can increase your knowledge, improve your memory, and make progress with anything that’s important to you. Also, it will give you emotional healing and help you tear down realities. With the help of this stone, you can expose the masks that certain people in your life hide behind! Perfect for balancing the temper, increasing patience, and promoting level-headedness, Howlite is a useful stone for your daily practices. Above all else, Howlite just wants you to be gentle in your own soul, life is tough at times and we all get led by our emotions before we have the chance to take a deep breath.