
How to use crystal tower ?


Crystal towers are beautiful and powerful tools used in crystal healing and meditation practices.

They can be used to amplify the energy of a space, clear negative energy, and promote healing.

How to use crystal tower ? 

⦁ Each crystal has its unique properties and energies, so it's essential to choose a crystal that aligns with your specific intention. For example, amethyst is excellent for spiritual growth, rose quartz for love and relationships, and citrine for abundance and prosperity.

⦁ Before using your crystal tower, it's essential to cleanse it of any negative energy it may have picked up during transportation or storage. You can cleanse it by smudging it with sage or palo santo, placing it in sunlight or moonlight, or burying it in the earth. After cleansing, you can charge it by setting an intention and visualizing positive energy flowing into it.

⦁ Hold your crystal tower in your hand or place it in front of you while meditating. Focus on your intention and visualize the energy of the crystal amplifying and supporting your intention.

⦁ Place your crystal tower on or near the part of the body that needs healing. You can also hold it in your hand and visualize the healing energy flowing into your body.

⦁ Place your crystal tower in the center of the room or space you want to clear. Visualize the crystal tower absorbing and transmuting any negative energy in the space.

Final Thoughts

Crystal towers are powerful tools that can be used in a variety of ways for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. They can help to balance and align the chakras, amplify energy, promote manifestation and abundance, and facilitate meditation and spiritual growth.

It is important to choose the right crystal tower for your needs and intentions, and to regularly cleanse and charge it to maintain its energy and effectiveness. With proper care and use, a crystal tower can be a valuable asset in your healing and spiritual practice.