
How to use 108 beads japa mala


Japa Mala is a traditional tool used in Hinduism and Buddhism for meditation and chanting mantras. The Mala consists of 108 beads that are used to keep count of the number of repetitions of the mantra.

In recent years, Japa Mala has gained popularity in the Western world for its healing and calming properties. In this guide, we will explore how to use a 108 beads Japa Mala for meditation and spiritual practice.

How to use 108 beads japa mala ?

Find a quiet and peaceful place to sit down and meditate.

Hold the mala in your right hand with the first bead, also known as the "guru bead," between your middle and index fingers.

Start reciting your chosen mantra, prayer, or intention, using your thumb to move to the next bead after each repetition. Hold the bead and say the mantra once before moving on to the next one.

Keep moving through the beads, repeating the mantra or intention on each one until you reach the guru bead again.

When you reach the guru bead, you can pause and reflect, offer gratitude or dedicate your practice to a specific person or intention.

Final Thoughts

Japa mala is a powerful spiritual tool that can help enhance your meditation and mindfulness practice. By using it regularly, you can deepen your connection to the divine and gain greater insight and clarity in your life.

When using a 108 beads japa mala, it's important to approach it with reverence and respect, and to set your intentions clearly before beginning your practice. 

Take the time to choose the right mala for your needs and preferences, and make sure to keep it clean and well-maintained. With patience and dedication, you can use this ancient tool to bring greater peace, focus, and spiritual growth into your life.