
Green Jade



Joyous Jade is one of the most famed healing crystals known for bringing lashings of good luck to all who wear her. Jade is rich in calcium-magnesium and along with shining light on the spiritual world, it can also help the nervous system to heal. Ancient cultures would whisper that Jade was a Dream Stone. It’s highly renowned for its metaphysical magic and is often used as a tool in emotional healing, dreamwork, and connecting with higher realms. The stone is associated with life force, harmony, love, healing, and other wonderful qualities that it can inspire in your life. The growth-inspiring effects of jade are alluded to by the stone’s most famous color, namely green. Light or dark, the shades remind us of mother earth and her healing energies, to which the stone has a strong connection. Below is more about how jade brings you hope and light.

Healing Properties

♥ Stability ♥ Longevity ♥ Fertility ♥ Creativity ♥ Serenity ♥ Wisdom ♥ Practicality ♥ Tranquillity ♥ Balance ♥ Peace ♥ Harmony ♥ Love life ♥ Luck ♥ Manifestation ♥ Protective

Stability: Jade will ensure that you have serenity and stability in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspect of your life.

Longevity: Green jade is related to well-being and longevity, it will give you the longevity to stay in the game and rise to different kinds of challenges as well.

Fertility: Many use green jade to improve hormonal imbalances that affect fertility. It is said to assist in fertility and childbirth.

Creativity: It will show you how you can become more creative and resourceful, and it will encourage you not to be held back by your self-imposed limitations.

Serenity: Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. This Green jade gemstone brings calm and peace.

Wisdom: It’s known to promote wisdom and promise a good and long life.

Practicality: These Jade stone benefits can help you to open your mind to new opportunities, and to also break those ideas down into practical and profitable steps.

Tranquillity: Ultimately, this gemstone provides tranquillity to those who need it.

Balance: Green Jade will give you calm when you’re in the midst of a storm. Its healing action will balance your nerves and relax your rhythm. 

Peace: Green Jade has the ability to alleviate your anxieties and give you peace of mind.

Harmony: Jade is also a stone that brings harmony and balance which makes it a great addition to the workplace. 

Love life: Jade stone may be the answer if you want to bring more love and balance into your heart and your life. 

Luck: This stone’s connection to good luck and the ability to invite abundance are very well documented.

Manifestation: Green Jade is a stone that will help you in the manifestation of your dreams.

Protective: Green Jade is also known as a protective stone because of its abilities to ward off the negative energies that surround you.

Metaphysical Properties

Keeping you calm and grounded

Promote mutual understanding

Inspire an attitude of compassion and kindness

Resolves Guilt

Soothes Nerves & Worry

Promotes healing effects

Grants protection against negativity

Encourages growth

Improves relationships 

Boosts spirituality

Brings good luck

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra

The Green Jade Stone should be specially considered by those who are born with the zodiac signs of Sagittarius, Taurus, and Libra. Taurus, Gemini, Libra, and Aries – all these signs adore the cooling touch, self-assured nature, and ability to ground and grow the heart. Jade is an ancient, artistic, and amazing stone for Aries to welcome into their world. Among the endless joys of Jade comes the promise that negative thought patterns will be nudged out. Taureans signs who are tired of second-guessing their own mind, Jade is here to strengthen your belief in yourself. For Gemini’s, Jade comes in very handy as an amulet to help them stand in alignment with people and experiences. This green gem helps Libra's to believe in their own decisions without regards to general opinion, helping you become more genuine and less influenced. Jade can help Sagittarius people feel more in control of their lives. It will help them be more open-minded when it comes to new ideas.

 What Chakra is Green Jade?

Green Jade should be kept in contact with your skin so that it can work on unblocking the clogs in your chakras, particularly the heart chakra. After all, this is the chakra that’s responsible for your ability to trust, forgive, and be compassionate. This stone can also help you deal with your grief, fears, loneliness, and depression. The heart chakra helps us to map out beautiful friendships, curate loving family ties, and even to connect with our own sense of self-love. It is also said, with Green Jade, Sahashara Chakra gets charged with cosmic energy.

How to Cleanse & Charge Green Jade?

Cleanse with water and Charge in moonlight

Rinse the stone under cool, clean running water. A fresh spring, stream, or river is best, but the kitchen tap is as good an option as any if it’s the only one you have. Dry the stone with a soft cloth and leave it on a windowsill where it will be bathed in moonlight overnight.

How to spot Fake Green Jade?

Check for a smooth, bright color that reflects light like water. Examine the stone's color to make sure it appears rich and vibrant. Look for imperfections on the surface of the jade, such as pits or rough spots. Authentic stones are more likely to have minor imperfections, like an uneven shape, dips in the surface, or pitting. These may remain even after the stone has been polished. Toss the stone in the air and catch it in your palm to see if it’s heavy. Real jade has a very high density, which means it will feel heavier than you might expect based on its size. Touch the stone to the side of your face to see if it feels cool. Jade is naturally a very cool stone, so it will feel cold to the touch. Hold it against your face or neck to see if it feels cool against your skin. Do a scratch test with your fingernail or a piece of metal. For a simple scratch test, rub your fingernail along the side of the stone to see if you can scratch it. As another option, use a pair of scissors or a knife to scratch the surface of the stone in an inconspicuous place. If the stone scratches, it’s likely not real. 

Final Thoughts

As one of the oldest healing crystals and amulets celebrated for attracting luck, Jade is a loving and nurturing stone that instantly soothes and helps you to let go of old ideas you may have been clinging to. It’s also a good stone that will help you adapt to the everchanging currents of your life.  While some crystals can make you feel like you need to deep dive into healing, Jade takes a softer and more spaced out approach. It’s mainly considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquillity, and purity. It’s a stone that’s believed to bring in good luck, friendship, peace, and harmony. Green Jade will also help you get rid of your limitations and support you in achieving your goals and desires. It will support you in your ambitions and make them manifest in your reality. Green Jade is also a stone of love. It is an excellent stone for healing hurt and guilty feelings. It’s a stone that doesn’t demand from you, but instead gives you all the love and courage you need to raise your own vibrations, tap into your dreams, and welcome all the wonderful things that want to come to you. Truly Green Jade is a stone that you should have if you want to attract good luck and good fortune in your life!