
Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine


Aventurine is an eye-catching crystal that is adored by many for its magnificent shimmery appearance. Aventurine comes from places that have high natural energy.  Green Aventurine is known as the "Stone of Opportunity," thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting one’s chances in any situation. Allow this stone to take you on an adventure and help you grow as an individual. In spiritual terms, the Aventurine crystal is the heart healer. Green Aventurine is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favour in competitions or games of chance. It is believed to be the luckiest stone in all games of chance. For those who want to shine a light on the potent healing properties of Aventurine, keep reading.

Healing Properties

♥ Creativity ♥ Push forward ♥ EMF Protection ♥ Prosperity ♥ Calmness ♥ Career success ♥ Balance ♥ Manifestation ♥ Good luck ♥ Positivity ♥ Inspire love ♥ Gambler stone

Creativity: Aventurine enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Push Forward: This stone urges one to get out of their comfort zone and take on new opportunities.

EMF Protection: Aventurine can absorb electromagnetic smog and protect you from environmental pollution.

Prosperity: Along with ‘Stone of Opportunity’ it is also known as ‘Stone of Prosperity’. This crystal will bless your life with prosperity and abundance.

Calmness: It helps you to get rid of thought wandering. It keeps your mind on one particular task. It calms your mind and brings focus and one-pointedness. 

Career Success: It is declared as the most powerful crystal to attract business and job opportunities to enhance the prosperity of being.

Balance: Green Aventurine’s soothing energy balances the emotional body, guiding one toward inner harmony. It’s a stone that works to bring a jangly nervous system back into balance.

Manifestation: A stone of manifestation and magical action. Many users hold a piece firmly in their hand while they manifest their dreams and desires.

Good Luck: If there's one thing to understand about green aventurine, it's that it's a very lucky stone. This crystal helps you to create your own luck and take matters into your own hands.

Positivity: This stone looks elegant and allows for a positive flow of energy to move through your heart space throughout the day. Thus keeping feelings of sluggishness or depression at bay.

Inspire Love: For those looking for love in their mature years, Green Aventurine may be used as a love crystal or added to a Heart Chakra layout as it encourages love later in life.

Gambler stone: Green Aventurine is known as the Gambler’s Stone, the luckiest of all stones in games of chance and competitions.

Metaphysical Properties

Balances the nervous system

Helps with fertility issues

Brings abundance and positivity 

Encourages decisive action 

Helps you overcome old patterns

Stimulates life-giving energy

Assisting in physical regeneration

Guiding one toward inner harmony

Helps dissolve the everyday stress of a hectic lifestyle

An opportunity for growth in a new direction

Renewed sense of optimism, joy, and hope

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Cancer, Aries, Leo

In the mystical birthstone chart, Aventurine is the birthstone of Cancer. Those born under the banner house of Cancer can be quite susceptible to fear and waves of anxiety, and Aventurine is ever ready to clear out those non-serving feelings and thought patterns in order to make room for a mindset that is sure to drive you forward. As Aries can be a passionate and fiery sign, Aventurine truly helps to reign this in and turns all that passion into a perfect flow, also lending a hand when it comes to taking a gentle tactful approach to diffusing situations. Aventurine works with Leo to build them up to a place of inner strength, so they are better equipped to stop those negative thoughts swirling and instead hone their energy to something that brings them pleasure instead.

For Virgo, this green gemstone soothes emotions and calms nerves, it gently grounds energy and brings balance. This is a wonderful gemstone for Virgo, it dissolves inner-conflict and encourages growth and renewal. Aventurine is another secondary Libra birthstone that has some excellent properties for helping you focus on the positives in life. It prevents the wearer or user from fixating on negative energy so that you build better relationships.

What Chakra is Green Aventurine?

Aventurine is associated with the ‘Heart Chakra’. It was used for many centuries to initiate the opening of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is connected to the calmness, serenity & balance of our human body. We believe that one of the best properties of green aventurine is its relationship with the heart chakra. This chakra point is the center of love and compassion within us, and it influences our feelings of generosity and forgiveness as well as truthful communication. As it is a comforter and heart healer. It is used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm. It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would "tap in" and use the energy of another.

How to Cleanse & Charge Green Aventurine?

Cleanse with water and Charge with plants and nature

Simply wash with a little warm soapy water and dry with a soft cloth. By cleansing Aventurine you are able to wash away any toxic blocks it has collected along the way, and this commitment to keeping the stone clean also means that it stays at the pinnacle of its power game. Charging your Aventurine back up depends on the color. Green Aventurine loves to be placed close to plants and foliage for a natural burst of energy. You may also bury your crystal in some fertile soil overnight. The earth will naturally reset its energetic balance, thus allowing you to experience the full benefits of its presence.

How to spot Fake Green Aventurine?

It is important to note that a genuine Aventurine stone will possess that entrancing shimmery quality. This shimmer cannot be so easily reproduced through artificial means. Fake Aventurine on the other side is characterized by bright dyed colors with a very faint shimmery finish which looks like big glitter chunks. You can test this by scratching your stone against a piece of glass or with a knife. Real Aventurine is hard enough to withstand scratching by a knife with no effect on its surface. It will also scratch glass. Common imitation materials like glass or plastic will not leave a scratch on glass and will also be scratched easily by a knife.   

Final Thoughts

Aventurine is an incredibly healing stone to bring into your life. Not only does it turn its power inwards, but it’s also an excellent stone for when you just want to radiate that power out into the world so you can attract recognition for all that hard work. When you feel like it has been a while since anything splendid has rolled your way, Aventurine can change all of that and bring a welcome fortune in more ways than one. This crystal is here to help you enjoy life while sharing your energy and experiences with those closest to you. Connected to the heart chakra, it makes room for a clear mindset and provides a way forward. Whether you want to improve your leadership skills or get a dose of luck, this stone will help you out. Whenever you’re working on your business ideas, have the crystal around to attract abundance. Above everything, Aventurine is your go to good luck crystal. It is a powerfully positive stone that just seems to attract abundance in many waves.