
Cream Moonstone



Cream Moonstone is a warm and bright stone. This stone has developed many meanings throughout the ages. Known as “Dream Stone”, “stone of transformation”, “Stone of  New Beginnings”, “Traveller’s Stone” and “Stone Of Sudden Inspiration”, Cream Moonstone has the ability to touch many aspects of your life. A wonderful gemstone for healing physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wounds. It brings a sense of joy and happiness into your life. If you've been looking to add Cream Moonstone to your collection, below is list of some of the best benefits to look out for

Healing Properties

♥ Soothing ♥ Creativity ♥ Relaxation ♥ Pregnancy ♥ Childbirth ♥ Feminine ♥ Calming ♥ Positivity ♥ Love ♥ Hope ♥ New beginnings ♥ Intuition 

Soothing: Cream moonstone has long been known for its calming, soothing qualities on the emotional body. 

Creativity: Cream Moonstone also encourages creativity and imagination, making it an excellent stone for artists and writers -- or anyone looking to express themselves in a more meaningful way. 

Relaxation: It is thought to help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and peace.

Pregnancy/Childbirth: Cream Moonstone’s healing properties have also made it a popular option for those looking to heal female health issues, promote fertility and provide protection during pregnancy and childbirth. 

Feminine: The healing properties of this crystal are known to help the user connect to the feminine energy of the moon, thereby opening up possibilities of love, sensuality, and better relationships.

Calming: Cream Moonstone can help you to keep a calm head in stressful situations. 

Positivity: It can help you see the positive aspects of any situation and maintain a hopeful outlook even in the darkest of times.

Love: It can be used to attract love into your life or help improve relationships that are struggling. 

Hope:  It encourages hope and inspiration to allow us to wish, aspire, and flow in harmony with our dreams.

New Beginnings:  This stone encourages one to take on new opportunities and be open to any new beginnings that may come their way. 

Intuition:  Cream moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren't immediately obvious.

Metaphysical Properties

Express yourself more freely

Bring balance, harmony and hope 

Stone of intuition and inner guidance 

Support women's reproductive health all around

Connect with your subconscious mind

Deepen your spiritual connection

Helps reignite your passion

Aid your lucid dreaming

Opens the heart to empathy

Removing negative energy and blockages from all of your chakras

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces

Cream Moonstone is an excellent choice for anyone born under the sign of Cancer because of their shared connection to femininity. Libras or Scorpios is to help increase their intuition, clarity, and connection to the Divine. this crystal can help a Pisces eliminate negativity, enhance their creative spirit and help them to face life’s challenges and changes with courage.

What Chakra is Cream Moonstone?

Cream Moonstone seems to have a particular connection to the crown, heart, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and is responsible for your connection to the divine. The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is responsible for intuition and psychic ability. Also, use Cream Moonstone to initiate an open flow between your heart and solar plexus chakras. You will be given the opportunity to create a sense of harmony between loving feelings (heart chakra) and your sense of personal will (solar plexus chakra). 

How to Cleanse & Charge Cream Moonstone?

Clean with water and Charge in Sunlight or Moonlight

Place your Cream Moonstone in a bowl of water and let it sit overnight. This will help to cleanse the stone of any negative energy. Take out the stone and dry it off with a towel in the morning.  Placing your Cream Moonstone under the moon's light will help cleanse and charge it. The moon's energy is known for its cleansing properties and will help to remove any negative energy that the stone may have absorbed as well as ypu can also charge it by putting it in direct sunlight as the sun's energy will help remove any negative energy that the stone may have absorbed.

How to spot Fake Cream Moonstone?

Cream Moonstone is a variety of Moonstone. It is a potassium aluminum silicate feldspar. The color is usually a tan brown to a very light Cream these colors are able to be seen easier in direct sunlight.

Final Thoughts

Like the moon of summer which is just overhead Cream moonstone brings shine and lights up you and washes all fear, negativity, and anxiety. Cream Moonstone is a more inward-loving mineral and helps reignite your passion for the things that make you happy in this world.  It has a beautiful energy that can help to soothe and heal the wearer's mind, body, and soul. Moonstone is said to increase our sensitivity to the Feminine Divine, to heighten intuition, and to open us up to our psychic gifts.  It encourages hope and inspiration to allow us to wish, aspire, and flow in harmony with our dreams. It opens us to serendipity and synchronicity. Moonstone is said to induce restful sleep, and aid in lucid dreaming. It is a stone of protection for women and children, especially pregnant women and babies. If you're looking to connect more with your feminine energies and transition into new beginnings, it is definitely a gemstone worth adding to your collection.