
Clear Quartz



Clear quartz is perhaps one of the most popular and easily recognisable crystals around. Clear Quartz is also known as crystal quartz and is a mineral made of oxygen and silicone atoms. As the meaning of the name suggests, Clear Quartz is transparent and clear to white colored. It also goes by the name Rock Crystal. Clear quartz (AKA white quartz, crystal quartz, rock crystal and others) is perhaps one of the most popular stones in the healing crystal world and for good reason. Commonly referred to as “The Master Healer”, it’s a powerful and versatile tool that should be incorporated into everyone's toolbox. Clear quartz is not always clear as it often has inclusions and can sometimes even be cloudy. The Greek people used to call it ‘krystallos’, as Greek thinkers believed that it is nothing but the water in the hardest form. They too believed that it was created by their Greek gods. The word ‘krystallos’ means ‘ice’ in Greek. This word is later accepted by our world and now we call it ‘Crystal’. But the actual meaning of crystal was ice.  Let’s take a look at the Clear Quartz to celebrate its crystal king status.

Healing Properties

♥ Harmony ♥ Energy ♥ Healing ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Clarity ♥ Creativity ♥ Calmness ♥ Manifestation ♥ Positive vibe ♥ Stress relief ♥ Immunity ♥ Guidance

Harmony: The crystal brings the body back into balance by creating harmony amongst the chakras and aligning the spiritual body. It’s a crystal that adapts to who you are and works in harmony with your body, mind, and soul, to ensure you get all that you need.

Energy: Clear Quartz Crystals are energy amplifiers. Whatever energy you bring, they will amplify whether it's clear and concise, muddled or confused, angry and disconnected, or joyful and enlightened. 

Healing: Crystals function in a way that taps into the power and transforms healing light into energy. 

Psychic Abilities: The stone acts as a cleanser for the soul and in turn, enhances psychic abilities, aids in concentration, and improves memory.

Clarity: Clear quartz is a great stone for meditation since it can enhance mental clarity and emotional stability.

Creativity: Clear quartz stone can aid to foster focus, clarity, and creativity, making it an excellent stone to place on your desk or a shelf in the office.

Calmness: It calms your nerves and helps ground your energy.

Manifestation: It’s also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire. It can help you to take this manifestation to the next level and to turn it into reality.

Positive Vibes: A shield against negative energy and infused with potent positive vibes, the Clear Quartz stone is a sublime emotional aid.

Stress Relief: Clear Quartz can relieve its bearer’s mental health from stress, anxiety, and depression.

Immunity: Consider a Clear Quartz to strengthen your immune system. The physical healing properties of this gemstone refine your resistance to any disease.

Guidance: The gemstone serves as a guiding light for its bearer’s soul. Clear Quartz paves the way for the spirit whenever it is out of sync.

Metaphysical Properties

Light bringer 

Powerful amplifier

Stimulates the immune system

Clears toxins

Protects against negative energy

Stimulates brighter feelings

Encourages spiritual growth

Brings purifying energy to the home

Aid concentration and memory

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Aries, Leo

Clear Quartz is a beloved birthstone for those born under the zodiac sign of Aries. The Aries personality veers towards being highly passionate and ambitious which are both amazing traits but can lead to burnout without the balance. Enter Clear Quartz with its calming cool touch and its ability to regulate emotional overdrive. Some people says, Clear Quartz is not a modern or traditional birthstone. It is also not connected to any particular Zodiac sign but it is known that it may help Leo in need of energy, Capricorn to reduce its stubbornness and help Gemini be more tolerant. It has a special connection to those born in April. It's also widely believed that it reduces the inherent stubbornness in Capricorns, boosts Leos' energy, and increases tolerance in those who are born under the zodiac sign of Gemini.

What Chakra is Clear Quartz?

Clear Quartz is known to be connected to the crown chakra which means it helps to clear and open the mind to higher potential and infinite cosmic possibility. It helps balance the crown chakra. Clear Quartz contains awakening powers that benefit the Third Eye Chakra. If you want to open your eyes thoroughly, this crystal should be your best pick. Its clearness empowers its bearer's Crown Chakra. The ability of Clear Quartz to establish a special connection between its bearers to the other realm. Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer which means it can help balance all the chakras. Due to the magnificent ability of this gemstone to amplify energy and vibrate in all color frequencies, it can harmonize with all the chakras. Moreover, it will maintain perfect alignment during the meditation process. Considering the connection of this stone to Angelic realm and other Higher realms, this crystal is particularly great for stimulating the Crown chakra. 

How to Cleanse & Charge Clear Quartz?

Cleanse with water or smudging and Charge in moonlight

You can cleanse them in lukewarm water and use a gentle soap to help rid your stone of any build-up of excess energy. Simply run it under water to wash away any blockages and use a soft dry cloth to polish. You can also set your Clear Quartz in a glass of mineral water to let it have a truly good soak. Remember that you may need to have a more delicate hand when cleansing quartz clusters. When the full moon comes along, bathe them in its light. This will help them to recharge. Those looking to bring a burst of life to their Clear Quartz can leave it to charge under a full moon or involve the crystal in a smudging session to waft away old energies and bring about the power of the new.

 How to spot Fake Clear Quartz?

Try to read some text through your clear stone and if it’s distorted in any way, your quartz is probably real. Fake quartz is often made from glass, so test out the hardness of your stone by using it to try to scratch a glass. If the glass is scratched, then your stone is likely real. A true Clear Quartz crystal will often be colorless and transparent. Sometimes the stone will have inclusions beneath the surface which gives it a slightly cloudy look in places. However, it won’t have any air bubbles inside. If you see air bubbles beneath the surface of your Clear Quartz. It is probably glass rather than a real crystal. Many Clear Quartz gems will also have tiny cracks, lines, and inclusions beneath the surface unless they are of the highest grade of superior quality.

Final Thoughts

Clear Quartz may look pure and simple compared to the rest of its sprawling family but this powerful stone knows how to hold its own when it comes to crystal healing. Clear quartz is a powerful addition to any crystal grid, altar, or collection. Clear Quartz has a profound ability to reflect your strengths and requirements. It is a nifty hand in delivering the healing properties of quartz. It is a glorious gemstone for clearing the mind, encouraging positive vibrations, and helping with spiritual growth too. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities.  It aids concentration and unlocks memory.  It can stimulate bright feelings, boost your immune system, and ensure that you are protected against negative energy and well-equipped to make decisions, understand your inner desires, and find your joy. Countless people have fallen in love with Clear Quartz because of the natural healing properties that it brings. With its simplistic aesthetic, this gemstone continues to wow anyone who holds it as a talisman.