
Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine


Blue Aventurine is a form of Quartz. The presence of mineral inclusions give it it’s aventurescence. The blue hue of this form of aventurine puts it in alignment with the essence of the element of water. Like the ocean, blue aventurine is still, quiet, strong and immensely pure. Also, blue colored stones are highly prized for their attributes to aid the development of psychic gifts. It is a gentle stone that resonates from the mind to the heart, working calmly, rationally, and steadily. It enhances the masculine energy, and is a stone of self-discipline and inner strength. This crystal not only embodies strength, but honors peace and caring for others. It is a stone sacred to the Glory Angel, Raphael – the ruler of Mercury and the Angel of Compassion, Knowledge, Progress, Repentance and Love. This gemstone naturally connects the dots between the head and the heart, ensuring that everything you do is led by wisdom, a commitment to your one true self, and the power of intuition. Let’s delve deep into its healing properties.

Healing Properties

♥ Psychic ability ♥ Spirituality ♥ Stop addiction ♥ Open communication ♥ Calmness ♥ Inner strength ♥ Career success ♥ Healing energy ♥ Prosperity ♥ Balance emotions ♥ Truthful

Psychic Ability: Everyone possesses a psychic ability, but the levels will differ greatly. When you want to activate your psychic powers, you can start by placing a piece of Blue Aventurine underneath your pillow for a few weeks.

Spirituality: It removes the temptation brought on by external influences and allows us to take part in our own spiritual growth and spiritual journey.

Stop Addiction: If you have any type of addiction, including smoking or addiction to food, blue aventurine to be instrumental in the process of eliminating addictions. This ties into its natural ability to dispel bad habits.

Open Communication: This blue crystal may strengthen your communication abilities and may help you to speak out when required.

Calmness: Blue Aventurine helps calm and relax fiery emotions, allowing one to be less affected by external influences and to be more in control and at peace within oneself. 

Inner Strength: Blue Aventurine a stone of leadership and helps us earn respect. It assists in approaching new projects calmly and confidently, and supports focused performance in competitions.

Career Success:  Blue Aventurine is also advantageous to have in your career or professional life. It will help you bring your leadership, management, and organizational abilities to the fore.

Healing Energy: This stone will cleanse your energies and facilitate a healing process.

Prosperity: It will also attract energies of prosperity and abundance, which will increase the chances of a positive outcome in any kind of situation.

Balance Emotions: It will balance your emotions with logic and reason.

Truthful: Blue Aventurine is a powerful communication stone that will help you speak only the truth.

Metaphysical Properties

Balances the nervous system

Brings abundance and positivity 

Helps you overcome old patterns

Higher spiritual guidance

Remove passive aggression

Brings mental focus 

Ground us in nature

Bringing us personal growth

Open and honest communication

Enhances mental focus and concentration

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Virgo

What Chakra is Blue Aventurine?

Blue Aventurine stones carry with them a unique vibration. They correspond to both the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, depending on the intensity of the blue in the stone. The Third Eye, is the center of our perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here, and we relate to ourselves through this chakra. When this Chakra is in balance our thoughts and internal communications within ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We are open to new ideas, dreams, and visions, and can control the flow of energy within all the chakras. With the throat chakra, this blue crystal may strengthen your communication abilities and may help you to speak out when required. Corresponding to the upper chakras, it brings mental focus and supports the development of our inner self.

How to Cleanse & Charge Blue Aventurine?

Cleanse with water or smudging and Charge in moonlight

It is imperative to always keep in mind that a crystal absorbs the released negative energies. Therefore, when it has fully absorbed your energy, it can no longer emit its own, and this is why you must regularly clean your crystals. There are several different ways to cleanse crystals. You may want to cleanse it with smoke by burning an herb like palo santo, cedar, or sage. You can also wash it in flowing water. Also you can use the rainwater to clean it, the more natural the more helpful for the stone to regain its energy produced when wearing it. Along with cleansing, you may also want to charge it to boost its energy. The full moon is a powerful and revitalising presence that allows for the perfect opportunity to cleanse and charge your crystals. Place your Aventurine on your windowsill or outside under the full moon light.

How to spot Fake Blue Aventurine?

Aventurine is a translucent crystal that belongs to the Quartz family, it is characterized by a unique shimmery appearance that is truly particular. Fake Aventurine on the other side is characterized by bright dyed colors with a very faint shimmery finish which looks like big glitter chunks. You can test this by scratching your stone against a piece of glass or with a knife. Real Aventurine is hard enough to withstand scratching by a knife with no effect on its surface. It will also scratch glass. Common imitation materials like glass or plastic will not leave a scratch on glass and will also be scratched easily by a knife.   

Final Thoughts

Blue Aventurine is a very calming stone that can be used for balancing and healing your emotions. As a beautiful blue gemstone it ensures that your throat is open and your voice compelled by truth, authenticity, and comes right from the heart. It will help you communicate creatively and clearly, avoiding miscommunications and misunderstandings. It also encourages the third eye - our seat of intuition and deep inner wisdom. Blue Aventurine will encourage you to take full responsibility for your life, your relationships and your experiences, while also giving you the support that you need to create change in your current reality. It’s a stone that will enhance your leadership qualities and help you act more decisively. It will give you more powerful intuitive powers and increased perceptions. It will work calmly, steadily, and rationally. It’s a stone that will enhance your self-discipline and inner strength, and it will help you make clear decisions and stand by them. Also, encourage an open and honest communication that will allow you to speak from your heart and mind.