



The bloodstone has a long and fascinating history. This stone was used in ancient times for it’s supposed magical and medicinal properties. Bloodstone is a beautiful green stone that features red or brown spots that form as a result of impurities in the iron oxide. The usual coloring of Bloodstone is dark green with bright red markings on the surface. The splashes of red all over this gem is believed to embody life as it came from pure, vital blood. Bloodstone is considered a gemstone of heroic sacrifice today, as it was then, and can provide bravery and peace to those asked to provide for the common good of all. Bloodstone is said to have powerful healing properties. As the name suggests this interesting colored stone is a great blood cleanser and purifier. It is believed to help with detoxification of the body, improve circulation, and boost the immune system. Read on and know more about the significance of Bloodstone, it’s uses, and other fascinating and catchy details about this stone.

Healing Properties

♥ Abundance ♥ Alignment ♥ Organisation ♥ Motivation ♥ Encourage ♥ Positivity ♥ Purification ♥ Creativity ♥ Calming ♥ Grounding ♥ Emotional balance ♥ Prosperity

Abundance: Bloodstone is said to be helpful in attracting abundance and prosperity.

Alignment: Bloodstone is an intense healing stone used to cleanse and realign the lower chakras with the heart. It is conducive to balancing the total body in order to overcome any distress or anxiety associated with the re-alignment of these energies.

Organisation: Bloodstone is used if you want to boost your talent, vitality, charitable nature, and even your organizational abilities.

Motivation: If you’re lacking motivation or clarity when making decisions, or simply need a mental boost, this stone is said to help to revitalize you and boost energy levels.

Encourage: It will encourage you to take action! And give you the courage and personal strength to do so.

Positivity: The gemstone emits a powerful positive vibration that enables the mind to open itself to the deepest of its bearer's imaginations.

Purification: Bloodstone is supposed to contain blood purification powers, as well as the vitality of life.

Creativity: It is marvelous for increasing creativity and cultivating a project from the idea stage through to actualization. 

Calming: The calming energy of this gemstone is said to help clear the mind and focus on the task at hand.

Grounding: Bloodstone is also known to be a grounding stone. This means that it helps to connect you with the earth and keeps you connected to your physical body.

Emotional Balance: Bloodstone is also said to help with emotional balance. It is believed to be helpful in dealing with anger, jealousy, and resentment. It is said to help you find forgiveness and compassion.

Prosperity: Bloodstone is known as a prosperity talisman that manifests the health of the person.

Metaphysical Properties

It deflect negative energy and protect against evil forces

Ability to aid in meditation

Keeps you connected to your physical body

Help with emotional balance

It has purifying properties

It improves your emotional and mental health

It can improve your creativity skills

It supports your immune system

Stabilize hormones 

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Aries, Libra, Pisces

Traditionally connected to the zodiac sign of Aries, the Bloodstone is all about nurturing and supporting that fine flush of positive energy that makes Aries who they are. Bloodstone works by ensuring that the Aries stay riding high on that wave of courage without losing their footing. The stone of courage is also a healthy tool for those born under the sign of Libra and Pisces. Pisces are known for their connection to higher thinking and gleaming interest in the spiritual side of life. Bloodstone is a beautiful amulet for a Pisces to have close by as it keeps them tethered, grounded, and able to keep a realistic angle rather than falling into abstract ways of thinking. 

What Chakra is Bloodstone?

Bloodstone is particularly stimulating to the Root and Heart Chakras. Bloodstone connects the strongest is with your root chakra. The root chakra could be considered something like our safety net. It’s what keeps us anchored, grounded, and like the root of a tree. Not only does Bloodstone beautifully strengthen that relationship with the root chakra, but it also works wonders when it comes to the heart chakra. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly.

How to Cleanse & Charge Bloodstone?

Cleanse with water and Charge with nature

Keeping protective stones cleansed is even more important as you want to make sure that those heavy vibes are washed away. It’s easy to keep your Bloodstone clean by just running it under tepid water. Many crystals love water to be as natural as possible so spring water would work best, but any water will work. For a really deep clean you can leave your Bloodstone in the soil to let Mother Nature get to work on drawing those toxins out. Leaving it in the earth will also work to bring it a renewed sense of charge.

How to spot Fake Bloodstone?

There are many fake bloodstones on the market nowadays but there is a fool proof way to tell if the stone is real- if one rubs the stone on porcelain and blood red scars appear, it is genuine. Otherwise, it is not bloodstone, but some other gemstone. Bloodstone, having a score of 6.5 – 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, maybe a bit in the middle for a correct scratch test – and glass, an ordinary imitation in the gem world, is ready for equal hardness. A pen knife will no longer be capable of scratching an actual Bloodstone nor a copper coin; however, a metallic nail may.

Final Thoughts

The Bloodstone is here to bring your courage shimmering to the surface, to help you live a long and healthy life, and to keep your feet on the ground even when your mind is flying high. We are all aware that in order to reach personal success and equilibrium, positivity is crucial, and this is where the Bloodstone shines. After all, this stone is one of the most sought-after gems because of its incredible potential. Their energy will give you the strength to do the right thing for your long term good and aid your ongoing spiritual journey. If you’re looking for protection, clear thoughts, improved immunity and to purify your blood flow, bloodstone could be the gemstone for you. Bloodstone is supposed to contain blood purification powers, as well as the vitality of life. There’s no denying that this is a stone with a lot of potential and power. The potential of the bloodstone is the strength to both protect and Inspire. It can act as a remarkable energy source and should be an easy addition to the collection of any crystal lover. Pretty and powerful, with a long and interesting history, bloodstone is a gem that many hold dear, for good reason. Bloodstone close to your heart, empty your mind, and find peace in your surroundings.  Enjoy the warm and wonderful feeling.