



Amber is considered as a gem, but it's not a mineral or stone in the traditional sense. Instead, it's the resin from certsain trees that has hardened and fossilized over many centuries. The resin was eventually unearthed and used by humans for healing and metaphysical purposes.It's considered an "organic gemstone," like pearls or coral.The color of amber ranges from pale yellow to deep orange. The meaning of Amber is cleansing and renewing. With its ancient energy and rich natural warmth, it is a powerful healer that gives the person a lovely sense of health and healing.Ready to learn about amber benefits? We've put together the essential guide to amber, so keep reading to learn how these stones can change your life. 

Healing Properties

♥ Purification ♥ Cleansing ♥ Healing ♥ Energy ♥ Joy ♥ Enhances patience ♥ Draws negative energy ♥ Balance ♥ Strength ♥ Protection ♥ Good Vibes

Purification:Amber helps with purification of one’s own thoughts.

Cleansing: It cleanses spaces, places, and people and can shield you from negative energies too.

Healing:Amber releases its healing powers into the body when it heats up from contact with our skin.

Energy:It stimulates metabolism, raises energy levels, and even revitalizes tissues too. 

Joy:It will bring you lots of joy and happiness. It will also show you how you can keep this joy and happiness in your life for good.

Patience: Amber welcomes patience and inner wisdom. 

Draws out Negative energy: Highly recommended for those seeking a release of negative energy as it draws out negative energy from the body as well as shield you from negative energies.

Balance: Amber helps to balance the emotions, clear the mind and keep your aura protected.

Positive Energy: Amber helps us to bring out that inner strength and immune the body with vitality. 

Protection: Amber has a potent protective quality too it also keeps us safe from situations and individuals that could cause us harm.

Good Vibes:Amber is an exceptional tool for soaking up heavy moods and bad vibes.

Metaphysical Properties

Cleanse and clear the sacral chakra.  

Balance and stability and building the wisdom 

Encourages creative self-expression 

Pain and anxiety relief

Boost the immune system 

Accelerate the natural healing process 

Provide calming effects 

Helps with emotional calming and centering

Release negative energy

Radiates a warm and bright energy

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Leo, Aquarius

Leo’s are full of big bold energy and the golden warmth of the lion and the Amber stone can match that power and even channel it to a fine tuned focus. As Leo’s are considered natural born leaders, Amber encourages this side of them. Amber can also be a good match to aquarian. As Aquarians are calm and sensitive, Amber can help to balance this and make sure that effective boundaries are in place. 

What Chakra is Amber?

Amber is a gemstone for the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, and throat chakra. The sacral chakra is the center of our passion and intimacy, it’s where we find our sense of joy and even our spiritual connection with others.  Amber is said to improve self-esteem and confidence. As mentioned before, amber's associated with the third, or solar plexus, chakra. Amber is a wonderful ally for the solar plexus, helping fuel the fire and warmth within.

How to Cleanse & Charge Amber?

Cleanse with water and Charge for a sort time in sunlight

As an absorber of negative energy, you want to disperse some of that build-up from time to time. Amber likes to be cleaned with tepid water and a soft cloth and just running it under a tap for a few seconds is enough. You can charge your Amber back up by letting it sit in a patch of sunlight for a while. Make sure it isn’t exposed to extreme high and low temperatures as this could cause damage to your gem. Being an earth gem, you can also place Amber in the ground or some potted soil to let it renew itself.

 How to spot Fake Amber?

Genuine amber is lightweight and slightly warm to the touch. This is due to it being underground for millions of years and because of its chemical composition. You can distinguish fake amber that is made of glass from the real thing because glass is harder, cooler, and heavier than authentic amber. Also, you can perform a scratch test by using your fingernail to gently scratch at the stone. Real amber will not budge and leave any scratch marks on the surface of the stone. However, imitation amber in the form of manmade copal is going to show damage from a fingernail scratch.

Final Thoughts

Lively, warm, and steady as she goes - Amber is truly a healing talisman and a glorious good luck charm too.  It infuses us with a sense of nourishment, awakens our sacral chakra, and gives us all the tools and empowering vibrations we need to heal ourselves fully. Amber as a talisman for courage and self-confidence, and was thought to bring good luck. It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress. Amber clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience.  Amber stones are rich in history, easy to care for and have excellent properties, making for a beautiful addition to any gemstone collection.