
African Bloodstone



African Bloodstone has been used for centuries as a healing stone, and is believed to have a range of metaphysical properties. It is thought to be a powerful grounding stone that can help promote courage, strength, and vitality. It is also said to be useful for purifying the blood, improving circulation, and promoting healing of wounds. African Bloodstone is also highly valued for its decorative qualities. Its dark green color and red spots make it a popular choice for use in jewelry and ornamental carvings. It is also sometimes used for cabochons, beads, and other decorative items.

Healing Properties

♥ Abundance ♥ Alignment ♥ Organisation ♥ Smooth energy flow ♥ Generosity ♥ Idealism ♥ Good fortune ♥ Purification

 Abundance :  African Bloodstone is considered to be a fairly affordable gemstone, with prices varying depending on the size, quality, and cut of the stone.

Alignment : It is believed that African Bloodstone can help balance and align both the root and heart chakras, promoting a sense of stability and emotional harmony.

Generosity :  It is sometimes used in crystal grids or other spiritual practices to enhance feelings of generosity and compassion.

Idealism : African Bloodstone is believed to promote courage, strength, and vitality, which can help individuals pursue their dreams and ideals with greater determination and enthusiasm.

Good fortune :   African Bloodstone is said to promote a sense of confidence and empowerment, which can help individuals attract opportunities for success and good fortune.

Purification : African Bloodstone is sometimes used in spiritual purification rituals or ceremonies.

Metaphysical Properties

Promote a sense of empowerment.

Facilitate personal growth and transformation.

Promote spiritual insight and understanding.

Promote feelings of stability and security.

Also, believed to provide protection against negative energies , psychic attacks.

Zodiac Birthstone

The birthstone of Aries

As a birthstone , African Bloodstone is not specifically associated with any particular zodiac sign as a birthstone. However, it is commonly associated with the astrological sign of Aries. Aries is known for being a sign of courage, determination, and leadership, and African Bloodstone is believed to enhance these qualities. Additionally, African Bloodstone is sometimes associated with the planet Mars, which is the ruling planet of Aries.

What Chakra is African Bloodstone?

African Bloodstone is commonly associated with the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of grounding, stability, and security. It is believed that African Bloodstone's grounding energy can help to balance and activate the root chakra, promoting feelings of security and stability. 

How to Cleanse & Charge African Bloodstone?

Cleanse with Smudging and Charge for a sort time in sunlight. 

Burn sage or palo santo and pass the African Bloodstone through the smoke to clear away any negative energy.  Place the African Bloodstone outside or on a windowsill in direct sunlight for a few hours to charge it with the energy of the sun.

  How to spot Fake African Bloodstone?

True African Bloodstone will have typically a deep green color with spots or streaks of red. It is a type of chalcedony. It is a dense stone and should feel heavy for its size.

 Final Thoughts

African Bloodstone is a powerful and versatile stone that is highly valued for its grounding, purifying, and protective properties. It is also associated with good fortune, abundance, and manifestation, making it a popular choice for those seeking to improve their overall well-being and attract success. As with any crystal or stone, it is important to cleanse and charge African Bloodstone regularly to keep its energy fresh and vibrant. African Bloodstone is a powerful tool for enhancing your well-being and deepening your connection to the natural world.